Sunday, October 31, 2004

Timing is Everything

The lease on my apartment is up at the end of the month, so I'm moving into Sweetie's place and we will be living in sin until the big day. In addition to being one less thing to worry about later, it will allow us a little larger budget for the party, since I'll have 8 months of not paying rent between now and then.

The timing could not have been better, because with the weather changing and the days getting shorter my winter nesting mode has started to set in. I'm using this fully to my advantage. Friday night it was staking my claim on half the bathroom (thank goodness for two sinks!) and tonight it was staking claim on the kitchen.

Even before the proposal sweetie had told me that if we were ever to cohabit the kitchen would be mine. He would step aside, and I had complete control. He had no ties to his stuff, so I could keep it, toss it, or give it to Goodwill. At that moment I knew he was a keeper. (I knew it before then, too, but that helped seal his fate).

The first order of business was tossing his nasty dish drainer, and moving mine over in its place. Mine is a bit smaller, so it allows me to place it such that I gain about 3 feet of prime retail location counter space for prep work. I also installed some spice racks, and combined both of our pantries. Duplicate spices were consolidated and eliminated, and I organized the pantry so it makes sense.

It was not as big of a challenge fitting everything into the space available as I thought it would be. When I start to move dishes and cookware over I fear it will not be as easy of a task.

The biggest revelation of the evening: we've got a LOT of vinegar! Balsamic, red wine, apple cider, tarragon, raspberry, and distilled. I use them all for different things, but now am feeling the need to explore the vinegar section of the pantry. Any suggestions for recipies that might feature one of these selections?


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