Saturday, July 23, 2005

Proof of my love

We have all decorations for our tables except for some sand dollars we wanted for one. Where the hell does one buy sand dollars? Well, today, I'm out and about and I come across a JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts. Crafts, eh? Gotta be some sand dollars in there. So I VOLUNTARILY walked into a fabric store today.

I hate fabric stores. There's nowhere worse or more boring to go to as a young boy. Indeed, that's probably true as an older boy, too. Swankette jokes with me...shields me from fabric stores when we pass by. But dammit, this is a wedding. It's important. I waltzed right in.

They didn't have sand dollars, but Ben Franklin, which I later voluntarily walked into, did.

Decorations: Check.


Blogger Greg said...

Ye gods! The man walked into a fabric store?!?!?!

Either than man is in LOVE or Ragnarok/Armageddon/Götterdämmerung is nigh!

3:55 PM  
Blogger Jess. said...

OK, this will sound weird to you, but my son went into JoAnn's fabrics with me on Saturday, and I had to force him to leave the store. I don't think he's an average boy.

7:57 AM  
Blogger Hugh said...

The only thing that attracts me into a fabric store is needle point, which I did as a young child, and have tried at several points in my life to rekindle an interest in. No luck.

Good luck on the nuptials. Remember that everything that happens at a wedding is either perfect, or a story that you can tell for the rest of your life.

2:23 PM  

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