Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Diet Coke Girls

My years of event planning served me well in some aspects of the wedding, and one of those was the scheduling of the day. Plan yourself down to the minute, but allow ample time for each activity so you stay on schedule. That paid off best when it came to getting ready. The hairdresser said to allow two hours to do three hairdos (Mom's, mine and Kaphine's), but it didn't take her nearly that long. So hair started at 12:30 and the limo was coming at 3:00. That meant once the hair WAS done it left plenty of time for the four of us (the hairdresser stuck around) to just sip on our Diet Cokes and visit and chill. It was just like we were all getting together at someone's house for a nice visit. Except three of us were dressed in sweats or similar casual-wear with stupendous looking hair.

Just sitting, chilling with the girls like that, was just wonderful. All the stress and insansity and running around town was made worth it in that half hour, and similar moments throughout the day.

Because as special of a day as this was, and as big of an occasion as it was, in large part it was also just a big excuse to get to chill with family and friends for a few hours.


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