Monday, January 03, 2005

Let Them Eat Cake

The aspect of the wedding planning for which I've had the most trepidation is the wedding cake. Yes, even more than Dan, Dan, the Dancing Man. You see, I knew that there was a DJ out there, somewhere, that could get the job done for us, it was just a matter of doing the research and legwork.

I was not as confident that there existed a wedding cake that would meet our requirements. The groom is allergic to egg and soy. His father is allergic to egg and corn. His brother-in-law is allergic to legumes. At first I had the inspiration of a vegan baker, but soy is the basis of a lot of vegan fare.

Last night's insomnia was spent blanket e-mailing bakers in the Puget Sound asking if they could help me, or offer any recommendations. The ones I e-mailed directly weren't able to help, but they were kind enough to offer some advice. GOOD NEWS!

There is a baker in Seattle who has completely egg, corn and soy free cakes. They use organic chick pea flour, which means the brother-in-law can't have the cake, but we solve that problem by having them make the cake that will be on display that we cut and buying sheet cakes from another baker made the old-fashioned full-of-egg way, which everyone else can chow down from. This is pending a taste test, but I have hope.

I'm also contacting both of the local natural food markets to see if they can help us out to give us a few more options.

So now I know we can get it ALL done! Not to say there won't be the minor mishaps along the way, but I was seriously questioning if we'd be celebrating the occassion with a wedding pie instead of cake.


Blogger Joe said...

I know there can be a lot of emotional significance attached to the wedding cake, but you know something? If you served wedding pie, I'd think it was pretty darn cool too.

6:22 AM  
Blogger kaphine said...

We're open to untraditional wedding dessert ideas four our to-do!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Swankette said...

Swank-made suckers? I remember how much realsupergirl loved them at the housewarming once upon a time, and I have heart molds (or we could probably find something else, to)

I've heard of people doing individual cupcakes for everyone, which can be kind of fun.

What do you guys like to do for dessert? Use that for inspiration.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I like the cupcake idea a lot. It might disappoint the traditionalists out there, but I think it's an excellent adaptation to a ... pardon the expression ... sticky situation.

4:29 PM  
Blogger lemming said...

Cupcakes! Terrific idea!!!

4:58 PM  

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