Tuesday, May 24, 2005

In which TRP gets all deep on you

Also at the priest meeting today, she asked why it was important for us to get married at the church. I went off on a big, philosophical rant. Something like this:

Well, for me, I'm excited because it's the official introduction of "us" taking priority above just "me." That's awesome, and I want to celebrate it. Meanwhile, her friends and family and my friends and family will be out there together, and I'm excited that we'll be breaking down the "hers" and "mine" to make it a big "ours." And I think that's one of the big lessons of the world we need to learn: there is no "us and them." Only "us." Everything is "us."

Don't fully know where that came from. The priest was surprised. She waited a second, and then asked me:

"Would you like to give the sermon?"

How kick-ass would it be to give the sermon at your own wedding? Arrogant, sure, but pretty kick-ass.

(No worries. I won't.)


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