Saturday, May 14, 2005


Today I cleaned up the wedding box, got the budget and guest list spreadsheets updated, and updated links on this page. Wedding planning housecleaning as it were.

It was an act that needed to be done, and has simulatenously calmed me down and stressed me out. Sweetie and I have a box in which we have been storing all wedding-related stuff - books, calendars, paperwork, etc. Best idea we had in putting this all together, because it's all in one place and can easily be lugged around from one part of the condo to the other. It's been hiding back in the den lately, but it fits nicely under the coffee table and I think it may live there from here forward.

So organizationally I'm feeling fantabulous. But now we start to get into all the details. And there are a lot of details that are going to have to be adressed between now and July 30. But we can do it.

Invitations will be in Monday or Tuesday, so getting those puppies addressed and out the door will be the next order of business.


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