Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mail Call

Generally the duty of collecting the daily mail falls to the Sweetie.

First, he gets home before me most of the time.

Second, the parking situation is such that his parking spot is significantly closer to the mailbox than my parking spot is. I would have to walk PAST the front door of the condo and PAST his parking spot to get to the mailbox, probably a good 20 yards out of the way, where as the mailboxes are maybe 15 feet from where he parks. If that. So even if I get home before he does, I let him get the mail, because all the extra effort just wouldn't be worth it.

Except the response cards have started coming back. No WAY am I waiting for Sweetie to make it home to go see what little bits of goodness arrived. And they have started arriving!

My parents listed themselves as "Mom and Dad (Swank)." I teased my mother about this a little earlier. She indicated that there are now two mom and dads in our lives, but after 33 years I think I could recognize her handwriting.

This is so fun!


Blogger Greg said...

Is TRP back home yet so we can safely send in our response card without disappointing him because he missed seeing one?

6:14 PM  

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